Git Workflow

git version control

A brief overview of the git workflow and a demonstration of the git workflow for collaboration.

Meltem Ozcan

The goal for this demonstration is to equip the readers with a basic understanding of concepts relevant to version control with git, and to demonstrate how git can be used for collaboration among multiple team members.

Git concepts

Git allows multiple users to synchronously write and edit code locally, fix bugs and resolve any conflicts with others’ work before accepting (or rejecting) and propagating the changes. Users can go back to previous versions of their work as needed, allowing for an relatively risk free coding environment. Version control is made possible through the use of tree-like data structures, and the distinction between the local and remote repositories. The remote repository contains the version(s) of the project hosted on the internet and can be accessed by collaborators. All changes to code remain local until they are pushed to the remote. The local repository refers to versions of the project on someone’s local computer, and consists of 3 ‘trees’: 1. working directory (the files), 2. index (the staging area), 3. HEAD (the pointer to the most recent commit).


A commit is a snapshot/copy/state of the local project at a specific point in time, and commits can be thought of as periodic checkpoints that make it easier to backtrack/understand previous work and to troubleshoot. See Git best practices about commits for more details and tips. Committing early and often is strongly recommended.

First, the file is staged for commit and added to the index by calling git add <filename> in the terminal. Multiple files can be staged at once by specifying file names with spaces in between: git add <filename1> <filename2>, and all files can be staged using git *. Once files are staged, the changes can be committed as below:

git commit -m “<meaningful message here>”.

Once the commit is completed, HEAD moves up to match the newest commit. A history of commits and commit messages can be viewed using git log, which pulls up the latest commits in chronological order. A more readable list of commits can be produced using: git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s".


A branch is a pointer to a specific commit. Commonly, three types of branches are used:

Main/master branch: the primary branch automatically created when the repository is cloned from the origin, which is a remote repository. The main/master branch can be thought of as “production-ready” and is only updated when the develop branch is stable with new version updates. As such, it contains an abridged history of commits.

Develop (dev) branch: the secondary branch that contains full history of commits. Supporting branches are created from and merged into dev. The separation between main/master and dev branches functions as a check against unstable/buggy commits being prematurely pushed to the main/master branch.

Supporting branches: the short-lived snapshots created to build or test new features, fix glitches etc. and are deleted after a merge. Ideally each supporting branch is used for an isolated task or feature.

The current branch and its status (in terms of modified files and in comparison with origin/) can be checked with git status. Any staged files will appear in green.

The user can list all branches with git branch -a, and all remote branches with git branch -r. The current branch is marked with an asterisk.

In order to create a new branch, the user can navigate to the branch to build from (e.g., dev), and use

git checkout -b <new branch name>

As with commits, a new branch is local until it is pushed to the remote repository. When pushing a branch for the first time, git push will give an error as the new local branch does not have an upstream branch. This error is solvable by using

git push --set-upstream origin <name of the new branch>

Or, the user can directly push to the origin by

git push origin <name of the new branch>

After the first commit, git push is sufficient to push commits to the remote.

git branch -d <branch name> can be used to delete a local branch that has been pushed and merged with the remote branch. Use -D to force delete a branch that hasn’t been merged into the remote.

git push <remote name> -- delete <branch name> deletes the remote branch.

git fetch --all --prune grabs all changes from remotes and locally deletes the files/branches that were deleted remotely.

git fetch grabs all the changes from remotes. This command does not delete local files.

git pull downloads the most recent version of the branch from the remote. Remember to pull first before any edits, as there may have been modifications to code by others.

git diff illustrates changes since the last commit, git diff <filename> shows changes to a particular file.

Pull Requests

When changes from a supporting branch are ready to be merged into dev, a pull request can be put in from the browser. The user can specify a topic and an optional description to explain to the reader what the PR is about. It is important to double check which branch the PR is set to merge the supporting branch into, as the browser might default to main rather than dev. The following summarizes the main steps of a pull request: pull -> edit -> commit with message -> push -> put in a pull request (PR) through the browser.

If there are no conflicts and the user has no suggestions/edits, the user can automatically merge and delete the supporting branch.

If there are conflicts, the user can view and solve these either via the browser or in RStudio. Through the browser, the user can check which files have conflicts under the ‘files changed’ tab for the pull request.

The browser has two helpful viewing options that make it easier to sort through multiple changes: split view or unified view.

If a user would like a code review on the changes made or would like collaborators to review and accept/reject their changes, a pull review can be requested from specific individuals who will receive a notification to view, comment on, or merge the pull request. If multiple individuals need to weigh in before the merge, each individual can click ‘approve’ to show that they are comfortable with the changes/edits (or request edits/reject otherwise).

While reviewing a PR with multiple files, progress can be tracked by clicking ‘Viewed’.

If the user sees errors/has suggestions, they can leave comments on specific lines or chunks of code by clicking on the blue comment icon on the left side. If the task is substantial, an issue can be created for it and specific individuals can be assigned to the task.


Each issue can be assigned to a project, which makes it easier to keep track of different ongoing projects’ progress.

Depending on the priority and status of the issues (‘cards’) within a project, they can be moved under different headings for easier management as well as tracking of ideas: backlog, to-do, in progress, on hold/blocked, done, won’t do, etc.

For bigger tasks, it is helpful to write a description/comment for the card to provide some scaffolding/reminders for the assignee.

If setting up new repository:

Navigate to Github profile -> Repositories tab -> New -> fill in repository name and click ‘add a README file’ -> Create repository

Navigate to the new repository -> copy the HTTPS or SSH link from under the Code tab -> pull up RStudio (or VSCode) terminal -> clone repository to local machine by typing <username>$ git clone <URL> in the terminal.

Note that the project will be cloned into the current working directory, which can be checked in the terminal with the pwd command.

In the terminal, navigate to the repository with command cd <name or path to repo>.


This is a quick demo that can be worked on as a group to get familiar with the git workflow for collaboration. It was created with four collaborators in mind but can be modified as needed.

First, one person creates a new repo and creates a dev branch from main.

Everyone else clones the new repo to their local machine.

One person creates a git project in the browser for the demo with tabs “to do”, “done”, “won’t do”.

Each person adds a card for a task from the list below to the “to do” column of the new project. The fifth task should alsp be added to the “to do” column, but will not be worked on.

Task 1. Create an R file “string.R” which has one function “split_list” that takes in a single argument. split_list splits a given long string into a list of words (e.g., “heavy rain” to list(“heavy”, “rain”) and returns this list.

Task 2. Create an R file “main.R” that sources an R file “string.R”. Assign the returned list from split_list(“Measurement and Multilevel Modeling Lab”) to an object. Write a for loop that loops over each element in the object and prints it.

Task 3. Create an R file “and.R” which has one function “checkifand” which takes in one argument. Returns TRUE if the argument provided is “and” and FALSE if there is no match.

Task 4. Modify main.R to also source add.R. Edit the for loop such that any matches to “and” are not printed.

Task 5. Create an R file “reorder.R” that takes in a list and reorders the elements such that the first element is now the last element and so on.

Once the cards have been created on the browser project, the first four tasks are split between the individuals. The cards can be converted into issues and assigned to specific individuals.

Each person creates a supporting branch from dev with a suitable name and checks out the branch on their local machine.

Everyone takes 5 minutes to make some progress on their designated task and pull, commit, pushes their changes to the remote following the best practices discussed above. When a task is complete and the change has been pushed to the remote, each person can create a pull request from their branch to dev, and assign one other person from the group to review their pull request (PR).

While the updates are being made, experiment with git fetch, git status, git branch -a and git branch -r to see how each commit changes the repositories.

Each person reviews a PR, either approves edits or suggests a simple change. If everything works as expected, the branch can be merged into dev from the browser and the supporting branch can be deleted.

Again, everyone experiments with commands like git fetch, git status, git branch -a and git branch -r.

Finally, fetch with pruning to delete local versions of deleted branches.

Each person moves their git project card to the appropriate tab, and one person moves the fifth task card to the “won’t do” tab.

References and helpful Git resources:

git - the simple guide

Think like (a) Git - a guide for the perplexed


Hello world tutorial


For attribution, please cite this work as

Ozcan (2022, Nov. 28). Measurement & Multilevel Modeling Lab: Git Workflow. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Ozcan, Meltem},
  title = {Measurement & Multilevel Modeling Lab: Git Workflow},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}